Friendly migraine journal - the printable version

We've just created this 2 page migraine journal, it's friendly colored and easy to use.
You just need to print 2 sided, fold in 2, this way you'll get like a little booklet with the triggers on the cover and the actual migraine journal entries inside. Download pdf

I'm actually the first tester of this print. My copy already has 2 entries :) but please feel free to drop us an email at alexandra[at] if you have any feedback.

Once you've collected a few entries in your journal you can already notice different patterns: you can identify a trigger or experiment and find you're most responsive medicine. For me the most interesting part about keeping track of my headaches was that I can now have a better overview on their frequency. It's like their timed, apparently they always start at night time, every ten days.

You too can be you're own migraine Sherlock!